A Gathering of Thoughts…

I would be a liar if I said the last few weeks have been a bed of roses.

It has been more of a bed of thorns.

3 black men have been killed by cops, 5 officers in Dallas have been killed, and now 3 in Baton Rouge. Also add to that 5 Latinos, a white kid in Fresno, and the fact that there still hasn’t been justice for Eric Garner 2 years after his death, Sandra Bland 1 year after her death, and now it appears there won’t be justice for Freddie Grey either.

Thousands gather to say good-bye to Philandro Castile this past weekend in MN after being wrongfully followed and shot by a police officer on camera.

To be honest, I sure I am missing something, but can you blame me? Can you blame me when over the course of the last two weeks, two men were basically murdered by the police ON CAMERA! Can you blame me when 8 officers were killed in the line of duty by trained snipers who served in the U.S. Military/Marines and Armed Forces, with ASSAULT RIFLES.

Can you also blame me when France was attacked for the second time within a year just celebrating what is the equivalent of their independence day?

Can you blame me while there are peaceful protests happening, cops are showing up in riot gear?

Can you blame me when I have to shout to the tops of my lungs that not only do #BlackLivesMatter, but they matter because we live in a county were systematic racism is built into EVERY fiber of this county, despite living in a “post racial” society?

Black Lives Matter | National Review Online

It is a sad state of affairs, and as a writer, activist, and woman of color I am at a loss for words. I’ve been heartbroken, shocked, angry, sad, mad, and just an all around “WHAT…THE….FUCK?”

All three black men killed were family men. The cops in Dallas were getting along with the BLM protesters until all hell broke loose, and in order to stop the sniper they blew him up with a robot.

France is one hell of a resilient country, and so is the LGBTQA community after the tragedy in Orlando at Pulse night club where 49 folks were killed.

Speaking of which, that mass shooting bought up theĀ  ongoing issue of gun control in this country where of course the gun obsessed, NRA, RepubliCANTS care more about their right to the second amendment then they do peoples lives. And clearly we have seen the result of this time and time again.

And you can be very much pro-black but anti-police brutality, not ANTI-police.

Lastly, if you say #AllLivesMatter but are not protesting a racist system with BLM, aren’t concerned with the LGBTQA community, aren’t trying to get stricter gun laws, don’t have a concern with women’s issues, see Muslims as terrorists, won’t allow refugees into your country, and don’t understand the Israeli conflict,do us all a favor and SHUT THE FUCK UP!